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UFC 242 zárobky: Khabib zinkasoval niekoľkonásobne viac ako všetci ostatní bojovníci na celej karte spolu

UFC 242 zárobky: Khabib zinkasoval niekoľkonásobne viac ako všetci ostatní bojovníci na celej karte spolu

Poznámka: Najprv je uvedená celková suma v dolároch. Potom je ako prvá v zátvorke uvedená základná suma za dostavenie sa na zápas (to show), u niektorých potom nasleduje bonus za výhru (win bonus), prípadne iné zvláštne odmeny v bojovom týždni (fight week incentive pay) alebo bonusy za zápas a výkon večera.

UFC 242 výsledky a highlighty >>>

Khabib Nurmagomedov:   $6,090,000 ($6,000,000 to show, $40,000 fight week incentive pay, $50,000 Performance of the Night bonus)

Dustin Poirier:   $290,000 ($250,000 to show, $40,000 fight week incentive pay)

Curtis Blaydes:   $165,000 ($80,000 to show, $80,000 win bonus, $5,000 fight week incentive pay)

Belal Muhammad:   $135,000 ($40,000 to show, $40,000 win bonus, $5,000 fight week incentive pay, $50,000 Performance of the Night bonus)

Paul Felder:   $106,000 ($48,000 to show, $48,000 win bonus, $10,000 fight week incentive pay)

Edson Barboza:   $95,000 ($75,000 to show, $20,000 fight week incentive pay)

Muslim Salikhov:   $77,500 ($12,000 to show, $12,000 win bonus, $3,500 fight week incentive pay, $50,000 Performance of the Night bonus)

Ottman Azaitar:   $73,500 ($10,000 to show, $10,000 win bonus, $3,500 fight week incentive pay, $50,000 Performance of the Night bonus)

Omari Akhmedov:   $72,000 ($31,000 to show, $31,000 win bonus, $10,000 fight week incentive pay)

Carlos Diego Ferreira:   $51,000 ($23,000 to show, $23,000 win bonus, $5,000 fight week incentive pay)

Islam Makhachev:   $49,000 ($22,000 to show, $22,000 win bonus, $5,000 fight week incentive pay)

Joanne Calderwood:   $45,000 ($20,000 to show, $20,000 win bonus, $5,000 fight week incentive pay)

Zak Cummings:   $43,000 ($33,000 to show, $10,000 fight week incentive pay)

Nordine Taleb:   $33,000 ($23,000 to show, $10,000 fight week incentive pay)

Shamil Abdurakhimov:   $27,000 ($22,000 to show, $5,000 fight week incentive pay)

Mairbek Taisumov:   $27,000 ($22,000 to show, $5,000 fight week incentive pay)

Sarah Moras:   $26,400 ($12,000 to show, $12,000 win bonus, $2,400 fine for missing weight, $5,000 fight week incentive pay)

Don Madge:   $27,500 ($12,000 to show, $12,000 win bonus, $3,500 fight week incentive pay)

Andrea Lee:   $22,000 ($18,000 to show, $4,000 fight week incentive pay)

Davi Ramos:   $21,000 ($16,000 to show, $5,000 fight week incentive pay)

Zubaira Tukhugov:   $18,000 ($14,000 to show, $4,000 fight week incentive pay)

Takashi Sato:   $17,500 ($14,000 to show, $3,500 fight week incentive pay)

Teemu Packalen:   $16,000 ($12,000 to show, $4,000 fight week incentive pay)

Liana Jojua:  $15,900 ($10,000 to show, $2,400 from Moras for missing weight, $3,500 fight week incentive pay)

Lerone Murphy:   $13,500 ($10,000 to show, $3,500 fight week incentive pay)

Fares Ziam:   $13,500 ($10,000 to show, $3,500 fight week incentive pay)

zdroj: lowkickmma  , mma culture

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